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Individual counselling and psychotherapy


No individual is the same. Even when faced with similar challenges, no two individuals will perceive the situation in the same way or act in the same manner. How someone decides to deal with a situation depends on a lot of factors like learning, experience, childhood, social support, etc. While one enters into a one to one counselling session, the therapist tries to understand the person from all perspectives. Using theory based interventions, the therapist designs the treatment for the individual. This plan is specific to that individual and is aimed at his or her personal development. 

Counselling and workshops for adolescents


Adolescent age group faces distinguishing emotional, social, behavioural and psychological challenges. Teenagers are more prone to facing issues regarding self esteem, identity, peer pressure, substance abuse, bullying, etc.


If not addressed on time, they can have a significant impact on the adult life of that individual. This is an age where the adolescent cannot be looked at as a child, nor can he be treated as an adult.


Timely interventions, with an attempt to understand the individual, often goes a long way!

Workshops for this age group include:

1. Self awareness

2. Emotional management

3. Stress management

4. Time management

5. Life skills

6. Goal setting

7. Mindfulness

Mental well-being workshops for organisations


Leading a fast paced, competitive life has become the need of the hour.There always exists the uncertainty of the future- of our jobs, our health and our wealth. What to focus on when, comes as a task for us. Organisations have started feeling the need to address these concerns of their management and employees, as they cause unmanageable stress among them.


For an employee to be productive up to his full potential, it is a must that he or she is in tune with themselves. Often it is seen that there is a clash in between personal demands and organisational demands. Helping the employees to realise their potential and strengths will benefit the organisations in the long run.


Mental well-being of every individual of the organisation must be made a priority, and it makes me happy to see that we can see this scenario at some workplaces. 

Workshops for organisations include:

  1. Stress management and managing burnout

  2. Emotional management

  3. Self care

  4. Inculcating emotional intelligence in leadership

  5. Mindfulness

Mindfulness workshops


Mindfulness refers to the practice of being in the present and being aware of the moment. Making this practice a part of one’s life, will reap a vast number of benefits in one’s personal as well as professional life. Mindfulness helps reduce stress, anxiety, restlessness and increases one’s overall mental well-being.

The session was unique in many ways. Me and my colleagues transact with each other every day. Even then, I felt connected with them in a unique way thanks to Disha. The session was a stress buster. Disha's facilitation skills helped people open up. Few techniques she taught us are really helpful and create a positive impact in delivering quality work.




Contact us

Tel: 123-456-7890

Fax: 123-456-7890

Disha Joshi

© 2021 Disha Joshi | Created with love by Isha Chitnis

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